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Can i copy SEO content from Google Bard?

Well, since  Sundar Pichai (Google CEO) twitted about Google bard. I was curious to know about this AI tool introduced by Google. And as an SEO enthusiast, I asked the first question to Google Bard.  Can I copy SEO content from Google Bard?.

It is common to be curious whether Google can prohibit its product content.

So here is what I got in response from Google Bard for the same question.

Copying SEO content from Google Bard is prohibited. Google Bard is a large language model that is trained on a massive dataset of text and code. This means that Bard is able to generate text that is both informative and engaging. However, Bard is not able to generate original content. If you copy SEO content from Bard, your website will be penalized by Google.

Here are some of the reasons why copying SEO content from Google Bard is prohibited:

    • It is considered plagiarism. Plagiarism is the act of using someone else’s work without giving them credit. It is a serious offense that can have serious consequences, including getting your website penalized by Google.
    • It is not original content. Google Bard is trained on a massive dataset of text and code. This means that the content that Bard generates is not original. If you copy SEO content from Bard, your website will be penalized by Google for not having original content.
      It is not effective. Google is able to detect copied content. If you copy SEO content from Bard, your website will be penalized by Google and your SEO efforts will be ineffective.

So no need to be sad. Here is good news from the last part of the response

If you want to use SEO content from Google Bard, paraphrase it or rewrite it in your own words. This will help you avoid plagiarism and make your content more original. You also need to give credit to Google Bard for the content that you have used.
By following these guidelines, you can use SEO content from Google Bard in an ethical and legal way.
You can’t just copy and paste; you can copy and paraphrase it or rewrite it in your own words.

I hope this information is helpful for the readers.

If you have any questions in mind, you can just drop in the comment section

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